The Waitlist Period closed on Jan 31st, 2024 at 5:00 PM. We are no longer accepting applications for our 1, 2, and 3-bedroom subsidized waitlists.

Because of the amount of submissions received, it may take up to 30 days to be assigned an applicant ID# and an estimated position number. Please wait 30 days before contacting the office or email the office about your position on the waitlist.


    • Email:

    • Fax: 503-943-5610

    • In Person: 4605 N Trenton St, Portland OR 97203

    • Mail: ATT Applications 4605 N Trenton St, Portland OR 97203
    • Phone 503-943-5600



SUBSIDIZED HOUSING - Waitlist Open for 4, 5 and 6 Bedroom Sizes


New Columbia is a 556 unit affordable housing project owned by Home Forward. Of these, 94 one-bedroom units, 89 two-bedroom units, 96 three-bedroom units, 45 four-bedroom units, and 7 five-bedroom units receive Rental Assistance Demonstration or Project-Based Section 8 rent assistance (collectively, “RAD PBV units”). These programs require household income not to exceed 50% of the Area Median Income. Our subsidized waitlist is open only for 4-6 bedroom sizes.

PBV – Project-based vouchers are subsidies attached to a unit. The subsidy stays with the unit when you move.  RAD (Rental Demonstration Unit) allow for a household in good standing to apply for a choice mobility voucher after living in the unit for more than a year.


Helpful Links :

Screening Criteria 1.5

VAWA (Violence Against Women Act)

Housing Subsidy Standard (how many people per bedroom)

Area Median Income 



Tax Credit Housing - Waitlist Open

The 1986 Tax Reform Act created the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) as an incentive to encourage the construction and rehabilitation of rental housing for lower-income households. The program offers credits on federal tax liabilities for 10 years. In exchange, the developments are required to maintain affordability for a period of time (see LIHTC rent limits), often decades after the tax credits have been used up. Currently, our Tax credit waitlist is closed due to the estimated wait time being over 3 years.

The LIHTC waitlist will open on Wednesday May 28th, 2024. You can get applications from the link below or by coming to officer which is located at 4605 N Trenton St. Portland OR 97203.

You can submit applications by emailing them to the waitlist manager at or by mail or dropping off/completing in person at our office located at 4605 N Trenton St. Portland, OR 97203.

Helpful Links

Tax Credit Wait List Application 

Screening Criteria 1.5

VAWA (Violence Against Women Act)

Non-subsidized Affordable Housing Waitlist Policy

Link to OHCS – Tax Credit program overview