The New Columbia Owners Association (Owners Association or NCOA) is a non-profit public corporation formed for the benefit of its members – the property owners of New Columbia.
The Owners Association oversees the maintenance and up keep of the common areas and homeowners’ front yards, manages the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and enforces the Rules and Regulations for the community. Monthly assessments from the members fund these activities. The annual budget for the Owner’s Association is available to all members and can be obtained at the property management office.
New to New Columbia? Read this welcome letter for helpful information and answers to some of your questions.
Please join us for the quarterly HOA Board meeting on Thursday, January 23 2025, at 6:30 PM. Please email Amanuel at or call the office at 503.943.5600 for additional details regarding the Zoom meeting portion! You can join us in-person for our meeting at the Community Education Center located at 4625 N Trenton St.
Please use the following form to submit a request to the Architectural Review Board.
PDF: Download PDF
Dear Homeowner:
According to the Association’s Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs), homeowners interested in significant changes to the exterior appearances of their property must seek approval from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). These changes include painting a home a different color, changing architectural features of a home, changing or installing a fence, etc. However, the CCRs are sometimes vague in what is allowed and what is not. In order to assist both homeowners and the ARC, I have drafted some guidelines. The guidelines support the information in the CCRs, as well as the information located in the original 2004 design guidelines for New Columbia. The guidelines I have developed are not meant to replace the CCRs, but rather, simply provide homeowners and the ARC a quick reference.
Homeowners’ Representative
New Columbia Owners Association Board of Directors
Download: NCOA ARC Guidelines (PDF)
You can email ARC requests to or to Michael and Daisy a the management office to the following emails:
PDF: Download PDF
Purpose: To provide a process allowing a homeowner with a concern or a complaint about the New Columbia community operations, subject to the New Columbia Owners Association authority, the opportunity for a formal review of the issue by the Owner Association’s Board and a written statement of the Board’s decision on the specific issue(s).
Process: A homeowner with a concern, complaint, idea, or suggestion on an issue that falls under the operation and/or authority of the New Columbia Owners Association should:
Urgent items are issues, which, if not corrected immediately, present an imminent danger to health of a person or extensive property damage. If a non-urgent issue submitted by a homeowner cannot be resolved in one week, Income Property Management will provide the homeowner with a written status report within one week with an estimated date for full resolution.
New Columbia Owners’ Association Dues Collection Process- Homeowners
Homeowners in New Columbia are members of the Owners’ Association. The Association is responsible for maintaining community spaces (green spaces, front yards, pocket parks) and livability in the community. There are costs associated with these responsibilities and monthly dues from all owners, both homeowners and other property owners in the community pay for this upkeep. Dues increased on January 1, 2023.
Monthly homeowner dues are $110.00 (effective January 1, 2023) and due by the 10th of each month. Dues can be paid by check, money order or credit/debit card and delivered to the New Columbia Property Management Office at 4605 N Trenton Avenue, Portland, OR 97203. This assessment is composed of $96.00 for operational expenses and $14.00 for the reserve fund.
Late fees are assessed when dues are not paid by the 10th of the month. The late fee is 30% of the monthly dues and both late dues and late fees accrue interest at the rate of 18%. Should dues not be paid by the 30th of the month, the account is turned over to the Association’s attorneys for collection. The collection process may result in lien being placed on the home and homeowner being assessed legal fees associated with the collection process.
It is the homeowner’s responsibility to remit the monthly dues in a timely manner. Many homeowners have found that making arrangements with their own personal bank to have a payment sent each month is an effective method to ensure payments are made in a timely manner and avoid additional fees. Homeowners may also pre-pay their dues.
An Annual statement of each homeowner’s account balance and activity is sent to each homeowner each year. Statements are mailed by January 15th and report the activity for the prior 12 months.
If you have any questions about your Owners Association account, please call Daisy Betancourt or Michael Whitney in the Property Management Office at (503) 943-5600.
*Some lots within New Columbia were designated as ‘affordable’ housing and individual’s purchasing those specific homes and who meet income requirements may be eligible for reduced dues ($71.00 instead of $110.00). If you have questions about the reduced dues, please contact Michael Whitney or Daisy Betancourt with Income Property Management, at (503) 943-5600 for information.
September 7, 2010
Dear Valued Owners:
After nearly a year of work, discussion, and legal review a sub-committee of the New Columbia Owners Association composed primarily of homeowners, developed a resolution creating a process for filing and resolution of complaints and a and schedule of fines applicable to Owners that are out of compliance with the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R) for New Columbia (download here).
At the August 24, 2010 Association Board meeting the Board of Directors passed this resolution.
Effective immediately, written complaints may be filed with property management regarding violations of the CC&Rs. This process was developed to allow all residents to have equal access to a complaint and resolution process.
We encourage every owner to read and familiarize themselves with this new process to ensure that written complaints are properly documented and submitted.
Written complaints may be dropped off or mailed to the Management Office at 4605 N. Trenton Street, Portland, OR 97203. They may also be emailed to Amanuel Siyoum or Michael Whitney at You may also contact property management directly at 503-943-5600 if you have any questions regarding this new policy. Thank you!
When are the Owners Association Meetings?
The meetings are quarterly. NCOA Board Meetings 2024:
Where are the Owners Association meetings held?
Unless otherwise noted, the meetings will be held at the Community Education Center at 4625 N Trenton.
How do I contact the Homeowners Representative to the Board of Directors?
Homeowners Representative: Shanda Justice – email:
How do I contact the Board of Directors?
Board President and Homeowners Representative –
Shanda Justice – email:
Owner’s Representative Board Member –
Shalonna Jackson –
Owner’s Representative Board Member –
Juli Garvey –
Who do I contact about Owners Association?
Call or e-mail New Columbia
Community Manager Michael Whitney at or Amanuel Siyoum or you can email the NCOA general email inbox
Information about Monthly Association Dues
Owners Association Dues Collection
Homeowners who are receiving unemployment benefits may be eligible for the mortgage payment assistance benefit. This will provide up to six monthly mortgage payments and bring the account current, if it is delinquent.
Homeowners who fell behind on their mortgage after January 2020, but can afford to make their payments going forward, may be eligible for the reinstatement benefit. This assistance will pay all outstanding charges on the account and bring the mortgage current.
Download the complete eligibility checklist
See which documents you need to apply
Need groceries delivered? Please see this flyer for more information about Village Market’s Staying Healthy grocery delivery program!
Please see this letter regarding HOA dues during COVID-19/Corona Virus Pandemic.
Please see this letter regarding Rent Payment and your credit score.
Learn about the new resolution creating a process for filing and resolution of complaints and a schedule of fines applicable to Owners that are out of compliance with the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R) for New Columbia.
Read the letter to homeowners or download the resolution.